Last minute bookings!

Tomorrow night is the Opening Party! The marquees are going up (this one is at the Festival Centre) and the sun is shining, so fingers crossed for the weekend weather! Some last minute cancellations mean that our friends at Bandusia had some space available if you are still looking for a

Spring has arrived in St Albans

Spring has arrived in St Albans. The air is warm and fragranced with port wine magnolia, jasmine, wild freesia and wattle flowers. Clouds of may bush flower white in gardens. Pink and white, cherry, peach, apple and crabapple blossom is in all the paddocks and very soon the buds of

Interview with Debra Adelaide

Q. You have written several wonderful books, full of humour and pathos. For your last two books, Letter to George Clooney, and your most recent one, The Simple Act of Reading, you have chosen a short story/essay format rather than the longer form of the novel. Can you tell us

Interview with Jean Kittson

Q. Jean you are so well known and loved as a comedian, what urged you to become a writer? A. I had to write to get a job. I was easing my way into acting by being a drama teacher and then joined a theatre in education company and was writing

Sex dolls come to St Albans

INTERVIEW WITH BRUCE MCCABE Q. What made you move from consulting on technology and innovation to writing a frighteningly real book about where technology might be going? A. Everything that matters in my ‘other’ work is about the impact, and potential impact of technologies on people, but non-fiction writing is necessarily constrained.